This is where the logo would be if I cared about the project enough to make it.
As a fun project and because I really like chess, I decided to learn to make a chess engine. I originally tried to make it in Python and then C++, but I finally settled on Rust. The reason I chose Rust is because it is a memory safe language, fast like C, and it's not hard to learn after learning other C-like languages. So in the end I got to learn how to program chess engines and how to program in Rust (at least a little bit).
The chess engine uses bitboards and a alpha-beta program to quickly determine the best possible move, though my position evaluator is admittedly not very good, so it is a rather bad engine. It has the ability to run perft tests and load positions using fen strings, which are easily acquirable from all major chess applications. In the future I plan to add support for some sort of chess engine protocol, maybe like UCI. The majority of the information I got for programming it came from, an amazing resource for learning about how modern chess engines work.