I made this game for fun over a week, because I had recently gotten the addiction to play wings.io, an MMO plane shooter game. Making this game has taught me a lot about how to make multiplayer games and the difficulties of it, and that was also from only using the high-level multiplayer that Godot provides.
Resources I used to make the game:
- Godot
- Affinity Designer for the assets
- I uh, did not add music to the game. (This is a constant failing of mine)
Multiplayer Server
The best way to play this game is to setup a server on your host machine by downloading the project from my GitHub Page and run the server either through the provide binaries (should I make a release) or by running Godot through the command line. If you want to run it as a web server, you will need to add the command line option --runas=web. This will allow you to connect via. the web using Websockets instead of the default ENet server. When starting a server from the command line, it will always start at the port 6381.
How to Play
The controls are relatively simple; by default you can use your mouse to navigate and the left mouse button to fire. If you wish, you may also use the arrow keys or WASD. Space bar to fire. If you wish to swap back to using your mouse all you have to do is right-click.